Home Фотографам Windland Awards. Лучшие фотографии природы.

Windland Awards. Лучшие фотографии природы.

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Дедлаин: 1 июня 2011

Престижный конкурс обращенный к фотографам занимающимся съемкой дикой природы. Награды: выставка работ в музее Smithsonian’s National Museum, публикация + бонусы. Принимаются заявки, как от профессиональных так и от начинающих фотографов. Конкурс платный.

Nature’s Best Photography invites all nature photographers to enter the 2011 Windland Awards. Winners are displayed at the prestigious Smithsonian Institution in a  6- to 12-month-long exhibition and also published in Nature’s Best   Photography  showcase magazine.

Entries are judged on technical quality, originality, and artistic merit. Enter a TOTAL of up to 20 images for one entry fee ($25 US dollars no foreign checks). Each submission must follow the guidelines on the website.

The Nature's Best Photography concept began with simple yet dynamic goals: to celebrate the beauty and diversity of nature through the art of photography, and to use this far-reaching medium as a creative tool for encouraging greater public interest in outdoor enjoyment and conservation stewardship. 

The annual Windland Smith Rice International Awards program evolved from this ambitious mission to become one of the most highly-respected and visually compelling nature photography competitions in the world. More than 25,000 entries are received and judged each year in the International Awards. To learn more, go to the "Enter Your Photos" section of this website and find out about our COMPETITIONS, get GUIDELINES, and PHOTO TIPS,and read about the WSR JUDGES.

Smithsonian Exhibitions
In partnership with the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, the Winners of each awards category and a selection of Highly Honored images from the Windland Smith Rice International Awards are displayed to millions of visitors in a popular annual EXHIBITION. The next Exhibition from this year's Windland Awards competition will run from April through September, 2011.

Подать заявку и узнать о правилах здесь: http://www.naturesbestphotography.com/competition_overview.php

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