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Конкурс фото-эссе от Pixelhose

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Снимок экрана 2012-08-06 в 19.22.44

Дедлайн : 30 сентября 2012

Международный конкурс фото эссе от pixelhose.com . Необходимо представить свою фото-историю в 4-10 кадрах в любой из предложенных номинаций. Никаких специальных условий или ограничений нет, кроме того, что фото не должны содержать порнографические темы или призывы к насилию. Кроме того, кадры должны быть не коммерческими. Категории: ежедневная жизнь; дети и родители; путешествия; природа и животные; спорт и приключения; эмоции; ритуалы; общая категория. Конкурс принимает работы от фотографов со всего мира. Все работы должны быть представлены в электронном виде, сканы пленок допускаются. Кадры не обязаны быть новыми или нигде не публикованными.


- 100$ победителям в каждой из номинаций
- 300$ одному победителю (лучшая работа из всех номинаций)

Выбирать победителей будут как редакторы pixelhose.com, так и зрители.Основная идея - рассказать историю, используя от 4 до 10 фотографий. Текст допустим, но организаторы просят использовать его как можно меньше.

Участие в конкурсе бесплатное 
First pixelhose Photo Essay Contest
Posted on June 20, 2012 by pixelhose
The first pixelhose Photo Essay competition is seeking submissions of four to ten photographs that, collectively, tell a story or convey an idea in one of the below-listed eight categories. The focus of the competition to tell a story with a series of photographs. Minimal ‘background’ and ‘caption’ text is permitted but, in general, entries are encouraged to use as little text as possible.

September 30, 2012, Midnight, Pacific Standard Time.

Entry Fee

Prizes Totaling $1000
$300 for best overall submission, includes the best prize for the category entered.
$100 for best submission in each of the categories listed below.


Everyday Life;
Children and Parenting;
Travel and Places;
Nature and Animals;
Sports and Adventure;
Emotions. Includes humor, victory celebrations, agony of defeats, and similar subject; 
Includes any photo series that depicts rituals such as birthdays, religious ceremonies, burials, weddings, ceremonies of coming of age, etc.
General Category. Includes any photo series that does not fit any other category, particularly technical or experimental work that exploit fundamentals of photography, such as the interplay of light and shadow, or time-lapse photography, should submit to this category.
Guidelines and Legal

Contest is open to any photographer worldwide. Members of pixelhose.com immediate or extended personal or professional families can submit entries but are not eligible to win any prizes.
Contest language is English. Caption or description text, if any, must be in English.
All entries must be submitted electronically via email to  Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Only one submission per email.
In the body of the email please include your name, submitter/artist name and email to use for correspondence, even if the name and email are the same as the sender email, and category or categories you are submitting to.
No other personal information, such as phone number or address is required at the time of submission.
Include all photos and any text in the body of an HTML email as follows:
Description: Brief back story of the essay, if any.
Cover Photo: This photo will be used to publicize your submission.
Cover Photo Caption: VERY brief text, if necessary, about the photo.
Essay Photos followed individually by appropriate caption text, if necessary.
Entries must include a MINIMUM of four photos.
Entries CAN NOT include more than TEN photos.
Entries with less than Four or more than Ten photos will be automatically disqualified.
By your submission, you represent that you own full and unconditional rights to the submission and that have secured all necessary Photo Releases.
You may submit to multiple categories.
You may submit multiple times to the same category.
You will retain all rights to submitted photos. You may, at your option, watermark each photo with visible or invisible copyright information.
We will add “pixelhose.com Photo Essay Contest” as a visible watermark to the each photo.
Submissions will initially be screened for subject matter and quality. The quality standard is “hobbyist/amateur.”
By your submission, you grant pixelhose.com the non-exclusive, unconditional, and permanent right to post all submitted material on pixelhose.com. Further, you explicitly grant us permission to post the cover photo and caption on appropriate social networking, or photo sharing sites (multiple) at our sole discretion.
All qualified submissions will be posted, in full, on pixelhose.com. Winners will be selected from submissions that are posted on pixelhose.com.
No other rights are transferred as the result of your submission. You will continue to own all rights to all material submitted.
Winners are chosen based on a combination of pixelhose.com member votes (“like” and/or comments) and pixelhose.com editorial staff decision.
Winners are selected at the sole discretion of pixelhose.com staff. Our decisions are final.
The entry deadline may be extended at our sole discretion and for any reason.
We may combine categories with less than 25 submissions into the General category. Combining categories does not increase the General category prize.

Официальная страница конкурса: http://pixelhose.com/2012/06/20/first-pixelhose-photo-essay-contest/
Источник:​​​ http://citycelebrity.ru/citycelebrity/Post.aspx?PostId=45089
Tags: september

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