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Международная датская чб фото-премия.

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Дедлаин: 1 июля 2011

Премия открыта для фотохудожников работающих с чб изображениями во всем мире. Призы: выставка в Дании в галлерее Gammelgaard + общий призовой фонд 10 000 euro. По 4 принта от каждого победившего художника уйдет на благотворительные цели. Участие платное. 

Gammelgaard Monochrome 2011 is an international, juried digital photography exhibition which is open to all photographic artists worldwide.

The Danish based Gammelgaard Monochrome Prize and accompanying exhibition (in Denmark) is a new international photo competition aiming at exhibiting and promoting fine art black & white photography of the 21st century.

In addition we want to collect money for photography-related charity in third world countries, by selling prints from the exhibition.

The competition is open for all photographers around the world and we invite them to send us digital portfolios of their work. We ask the winners to donate 4 prints of each photo in their portfolio for charity. We will make these 4 prints based on the uploaded, high quality digital files.

The jury:
Susan Zedeh (Eyemazing magazine)
Henrik Saxgren (Photojournalist)
Steve McCurry (Magnum)


Tags: july

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