Home Фотографам Международный фотоконкурс посвященный теме танца.

Международный фотоконкурс посвященный теме танца.

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Дедлаин: 1 июня 2011

Необходимо предоставить изображения которые передают волнующие моменты и энергию танца. Конкурс интернациональный и открыт для фотографов всех возрастов. 12 победивших фоторабот будут награждены денежными призами. Конкурс бесплатный.

This contest is in memory of Sanford L. Rosenberg, a graduate of the Loomis School, Cornell University and Cornell Law School. While he spent his professional career expressing himself as a corporate attorney, he developed a passion for photography later in life. Through his lens, he enjoyed expressing his creative side with images of nature and dance. He was a mentor to many in the areas of law and the visual and performing arts.

The Connecticut Valley Regional Ballet Company Inc. has been involved in the development and promotion of dance photography for the past six years. We have had many inspired responses to this endeavor. It is our interest to develop a venue to celebrate dance and photography. We have created a contest which honors “moving moments.”

The movement in all forms of dance imaged in the moment by photography is our goal. Momentum: Images of Dance captures the energy and drama of both mediums.

Each contestant may submit up to 3 entries (black and white or color)

Each photograph must be 8" x 10" (please use high quality photographic paper – matt or gloss)

Each photograph must be numbered on the back corner to correspond with the listing on the application form (use soft pencil)

Do not write on back of photo except to provide number in a corner as described above

All contestants must submit a completed application with their entries.

The 2011 contest will award six prizes: First, Second, Third and Fourth place; Honorable Mention; and C.V.R.B. Commendation Prize. All six winners will receive graduated monetary awards and frameable certificates.

In addition, six juried winners will be awarded a frameable certificate.

All 12 winning images will be displayed on the website in 2011. Copy protection will be provided.

The submitted print becomes the property of the The Connecticut Valley Regional Ballet Company, Inc. (C.V.R.B.) and will be displayed as part of its permanent collection (all rights to the original image remain with the artist).

Подать заявку и узнать подробности можно здесь: http://www.movingmoments.org/application.html

Tags: june

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