Гранты и премии от PhotoPhilanthropy


PhotoPhilanthropy-Activist-Awards-2011Дедлаин: 1 ноября 2011; 1 декабря 2011

Ежегодная международная премия социально значимых фото проектов. Миссия организаторов заключается в поддержке фотографов чьи работы, фото- истории в силах воздействовать на социальные изменения. К участию приглашаются некоммерческие социальные проекты студентов, любителей и профессионалов со всего мира. Соискателям необходимо подать ряд фотографий и эссе. Призы в различных категориях составляют от 2 000$ до 15 000$. Участие бесплатное.


PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Award is an annual reward for photographer/non-profit collaborations and endorsement of excellence for professional, amateurs, and student photographers.

The PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards provide a platform for student, amateur and professional photographers to publish photo essays designed to educate and engage people in a wide variety of social campaigns.

In addition to providing exposure for the photographer and the non-profit organization, participating photographers compete for several cash prizes.

PhotoPhilanthrophy believes in the power of photography to inspire hope and understanding and to connect people around the world.

All subjects photographed should be treated with respect, compassion and dignity. PhotoPhilanthropy reserves the the right to reject any submission based on quality, content or theme. All submissions will be reviewed by the PhotoPhilanthropy team for accuracy of information. Written essays may be edited for clarity.

Submitted photos must depict the work of a charitable organization (designated by 501c3 in the US, or international equivalent) and be presented as a photo essay. All photographs in the essay must have been taken within the last 3 years. Photographers may enter two essays in the same year. The two essays may be of work with the same non-profit but they must be about a different subject matter. An essay entered in a previous year of the competition may not be re-entered.

For all submissions, collaboration with the charitable organization will be verified. For this reason it is mandatory to submit a contact name and email of the person you worked with at the organization. You will also need to provide a letter from the organization on their letterhead verifying your collaboration.

Upon completion of review, accepted photo essays will be posted on the PhotoPhilanthropy website. We will inform you by email when they have been posted.

All Submissions opeedn September 1, 2011. Professional and Amateur deadline November 1, 2011. Student deadline December 1, 2011.


Activist Awards Prizes

The top photo essays will be awarded

- Professional Photographer: $15,000 Grand Prize
- Amateur Photographer: $2000 Grand Prize
- Student Photographer: $2000 Grand Prize
- Community-based Photography: $2000 Grand Prize

Two finalists in each category will also be announced.



Photo essays must be entered into one of four categories:

- Professional Photographer: Any individual who earns the majority of their living from photography.

- Amateur Photographer: Any individual who does not earn the majority of their income from photography.

- Student Photographer: Any current student with less than two years of professional work including internships.

- Community-based Photography: Given to a non-profit organization that teaches photography within a community and empowers the group to share their unique perspective through photography.


Photographic Requirements
Photographs must be in digital format and only those submitted online will be accepted.

Our Mission is to promote and connect photographers with non-profit organizations around the world to tell the stories that drive action for social change.


Оффициальный сайт: http://photophilanthropy.org/

Раздел премии: http://photophilanthropy.org/award/

Tags: november December