Лондонская международная премия уличной фотографии



Дедлаин: 31 марта 2011

Уличная фотография. Жюри выберет 6 победителей. Приз - 1000 лир, оплачивается поездка в Лондон, Olympus PEN camera, каталог, атакже чек на 100 лир от Blubr. Участие платное. 



The first Street Photography Student Awards are now open, as part of the London Street Photography Festival! Open to all students aged 18 and over, living in the UK and studying on any full or part time course at a UK institution.

The London Street Photography Festival defines Street Photography as: 
“candid, un-staged photography which captures, explores or questions contemporary society and the relationships between individuals and their surroundings.

Situated in public environments – which are often but not exclusively, urban – street photography is perhaps more easily defined as a method than a genre. The results can fit into documentary, portraiture and other genres, but the key elements of spontaneity, careful observation and an open mind ready to capture whatever appears in the viewfinder are essential.

Six finalists will be selected to take part in a one-day workshop with celebrated street photographer Nils Jorgensen and work together to produce an all-expenses-paid group show at a prestigious central London venue. An overall winner will be awarded a fantastic Olympus PEN camera.

An all-expenses-paid group exhibition in a prestigious King’s Cross venue in central London during the festival in July 2011 (including venue hire, a budget for printing, installation and sessions with a festival curator to help with final selection of work), An afternoon of portfolio reviews and print making workshop with Photofusion, A one-day workshop with celebrated street photographer Nils Jorgensen, A private view – the festival will host a launch event in your honour and invite industry guests, Student Awards catalogues and a £100 book voucher for each finalist (kindly supplied by Blurb)

Selected shortlisted entries will be projected during the final group show and profiled on the London Street Photography Festival website.

ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS who enter will receive a free voucher from Blurb to the value of £28.95 to print and publish their own book.

Подробнее: http://londonstreetphotographyfestival.org/

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