14 ежегодный конкурс "The Pastel 100 Competition"


Дедлайн: 15 августа 2012

Спонсор - Pastel Journal, ведущий американский журнал, посвященный художникам,которые работают пастелью. Удачливые и талантливые победители будут награждены денежными премиями, другими видами призов и, кроме того, их работы будут опубликованы в журнале.

Гран-при: $5 000
Золотая медаль: $2 500
Серебряная медаль: $1 500
Бронзовая медаль: $1 000

Специальный приз: Набор пастели UNISON (324 шт., стоимостью $1 800)
25 призов - наборы пастели UNISON


-Живая природа

Работы принимаются от художников со всех стран возрастом не моложе 16 лет. В работе - не менее 80% мягкой пастели, масляная пастель не принимается.
Участие в конкурсе платное. 

 Sponsored by Pastel Journal, America’s leading magazine devoted to pastel artists , this annual competition offers cash, prizes and publicity to its lucky and talented winners.
Get rewarded for your finest work! Winners will be featured in the April 2013 issue of Pastel Journal.

$5,000 CASH

Pastel Journal Gold Medal Award:
$2,500 CASH

Pastel Journal Silver Medal Award:
$1,500 CASH

Pastel Journal Bronze Medal Award:
$1,000 CASH

Special Award

SET OF UNISON PASTELS (324 pieces, value $1,800) + $750 worth of Richeson Co. products

The Jack Richeson/Unison Pastels Category Awards:

5 First Place Awards—valued at $500 72 piece Unison Pastel set, plus pastel surfaces
5 Second Place Awards—valued at $250 36 piece Unison Pastel set, plus pastel surfaces
5 Third Place Awards—valued at $150 18 piece Unison Pastel set, plus pastel surfaces
5 Fourth Place Awards—valued at $100 36 piece Richeson soft pastel set, plus pastel surfaces
5 Fifth Place Awards—valued at $50 18 piece Richeson pastel set, plus pastel surfaces
All top prize winners and place winners will receive features in Pastel Journal (April 2013 issue).


Artists can be from anywhere in the world but must be age 16 or older. Work must be at least 80% soft pastel; no oil pastel. Nupastels and other “harder” pastels are considered soft pastels. The contest is open to artists in the U.S. and abroad. All works must be original. Compositions based on published material or other artists’ work are NOT considered original and are not eligible. Paintings executed in a workshop under another artist‘s supervision or paintings based on another person’s photograph (even if it’s copyright-free) are NOT eligible. Employees or associates of F+W Media, Inc., Jack Richeson & Co. Inc., or their immediate families may not enter. The Pastel Journal reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for publication or that does not meet above criteria. Work previously published in a national publication or receiving an award at a national-level exhibition at the time of submission to this contest is not eligible.


You may enter files online or via regular mail. All digital files submitted via regular mail must be accompanied by an Official entry form. You may enter work in any and all categories; there is no limit to the number of images you may enter. You may mail all your entries in on one CD. Please include a separate sheet that gives the title and dimensions of each image. The titles of the images on the CD must match the titles on the sheet. The file format must be JPEG. If your work is selected for the top 100, we will contact you about sending a high-res replacement. Incomplete entry forms and information sheets, and improperly marked CDs will be disqualified. Slides will not be accepted.

Cтраница конкурса: http://www.artistsnetwork.com/pastel-journal-competition

Tags: august